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Twelve members to constitute the group. Meeting on a full moon day every month. Sit in circle , for meetings. Start with 5 minutes pranayama, and 20 minutes "easy meditation". MORE

Give Global Integral Vision to Everyone Through Ayurveda.
Global Integral Vision to Everyone (GIVE). World is my country.(Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam).The world,can be integrated only by integrating individual minds. The world is one family (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam) is a reality long forgotten and neglected. In as much as the whole world is an integral whole, each unit is also an integral whole.MORE

Your mind can easily do it for you!!! It is simple.

Our mind is a super super computer. All it needs is to be fed with specific task. If we are vague about what we want to achieve then we cannot feed the mind effectively. We have to be absolutely specific.MORE

0=1, would you agree? No doubt you would not. Let us examine it. Zero is the contribution of India to the world. This must be the contribution of a Yogi. In an effort to express the transcendental state of consciousness he must have framed Zero. It means three things.

1. He realized that he has no end, no beginning, no birth, no death. The figure has no end no beginning.

2. Whatever is there, is inside and nothing outside it.

3. Whatever is there is in a state of oneness , i.e., there is no duality.MORE



1. GOD is the simplest in form and formlessness.
2. Fear of GOD will keep alienating us from GOD.
3. To think that we are sinners is a crime against GOD.
4. GOD is an inclusive phenomenon.
5. GOD empowers only the responsible.
6. To see GOD means to see all as GOD.
7. Silence is the language of GOD.
8. Our intelligence is the greatest gift of GOD.
9. Learning will not take us to GOD but Unlearning will.
10. GOD cannot be explained but can be EXPERIENCED.
11. True Spirituality is about silently approaching the GOD within.
12. The Universe is an engineering marvel of GOD.
13. The moment we are silent we are GOD.
14. He who denies GOD completely becomes GOD.
15. He who questions GOD becomes GOD.
16. Rites and rituals lead to increasing fear of GOD.
17. GOD made it easy. Man made it difficult.
18. The PATH to GOD is GOD.
19. Our God is part of our EGO.
20. GOD is, will and should remain the UNKNOWN.
21. Where Gratitude is GOD is.
22. We can connect with GOD only within ourselves.
23. GOD simply means the right attitude.
24. Be for GOD and GOD will be for you.
25. Man is the proof that GOD is.!!
26. A GOD separate from us is no GOD.
27. The Middle Path is an Escalator to GOD.
29. Birth on Earth is a gift of GOD.
30. Meditation takes you closer to GOD.
31. Our EGO transformed is GOD.
32. GOD is the only REALITY.
33. GOD is the purity of our MIND.
34. GOD is in absolute EQUILIBRIUM.
35. It is wrong philosophy to see a GOD separate from us
36. GOD cannot choose to be without us.
37. GOD gives us failures but only to make us succeed better.
38. We were GOD. We are GOD.
39. GOD is BLISS.
40. GOD is the oldest as well as the youngest.
41. Fear of GOD is the mother of all fears.
42. GOD is equally for all.
43. Loving GOD is like going to sun with a lit candle.
44. GOD knows no judgment.
45. Sin is not in the vicinity and visibility of GOD.
46. GOD is a question and not an answer.
47. GOD keeps creating anew again and again.
48. He who fears GOD fears death.
49. GOD is totally effortless and absolutely effective.
50. GOD is about no charity.
51. GOD has no name and cannot be named.
52. GOD is nearer than the nearest to us.
53. The faculty of free thinking is a gift of GOD.
54. GOD has given us wings. To fly is our responsibility.
55. GOD is in absolute ONENESS with HIS CREATION.
56. GOD cannot and will not interfere in life on EARTH.
57. The one and the only thing we can ask GOD for is “HIMSELF”.
58. Belief in GOD is a wrong idea.
59. GOD is not a ruler but a facilitator.
60. GOD cannot and will not deny us Self Realisation.
61. GOD is non-dual.
62. To be a WITNESS means to be GOD.
63. Life is a golden opportunity to REALISE GOD.
64. GOD is timelessness
65. To challenge GOD means to be GOD.
66. GOD is totally in the PRESENT.
67. He who declares himself “nul” becomes GOD.
68. The word of GOD is LOVE.
69. GOD is beyond heaven and hell.
70. GOD is here, there, everywhere.
72. We can take any liberty with GOD.
73. GOD is not an alien entity.
74. Listening to the GOD within means becoming GOD.
75. He who sees GOD within can alone attain Enlightenment.
76. GOD cannot save us. We have to be our own saviours.
77. GOD permits all freedom.
78. The WISE expect nothing more from GOD.
79. To surrender and gain GOD is our right.
80. The search ends only when man finds GOD
81. Unlearning leads to Oneness with GOD
82. GOD is absolutely in FOCUS.
83. Man is nothing but God in flesh and blood.
84. Your GOD is YOU
85. WISDOM is knowing that we are GOD and nothing else.
86. GOD is primary. Secondary is nothing.
87. GOD is the only Original.
88. In the eyes of GOD all are equal. 8
9. Every human being is a Seed of GOD.
90. To be with Mother Nature means to be with GOD.
91. Human being evolved is GOD.
92. GOD is not the opposite of anything
93. GOD alone is beyond the scope of evolution.
94. He who celebrates life celebrates GOD.
95. It is wise to accept everything as GOD'S gift.
96. Children are the nearest to GOD.
97. GOD is the most open Secrets.
98. Everything is GOD. Everywhere is GOD. Everyone is GOD.
99. For man GOD is always the BEYOND.
100. Mother Nature is the visible GOD.
101. GOD wants us to Realise GOD.
102. Let GOD be your best friend.
103. Nothing exists without GOD.
104. GOD is 100% practical.
105. Man is GOD fully equipped to enjoy life on EARTH.
106. TRUTH is GOD.
107. GOD has given us all of 99% and the ability to make it 100%.
108. GOD is within, God is everywhere within, GOD is you.