There are many schools of meditation. Meditation is something taught and understood differently in most parts of the world. Here our attempt is to present a simple easily understood version which is beneficial to all and universal in approach.
In a way meditation is unhindered observation. It helps us experience more and more stillness. The observer and observed ultimately merge into the process of observation or a state of nothingness which is experienced as Samadhi or Equanimity. This state is our real, original state which is pure consciousness. In experiencing this state, we help heal our physical and psychological body of all abnormalities. It also helps develop our hidden talents to good effect.
Meditation is absolutely essential for all human beings. There are people who achieve meditative states, without formally practicing and this is to be taken only as an exception. So for most, regular practice is the way out. Early morning is the most ideal time to meditate. Anytime other than after heavy meals is also helpful.
The simplest technique of meditation is to sit in stillness. When the body achieves stillness quite naturally the mind also becomes gradually still. This is because body and mind are inseparable. A good stable posture is essential to start with. The importance of padmasana is the stability that it brings. We should sit in an airy room free of disturbances and distractions. You could also sit on a chair comfortably. However one should keep the spine erect.
Do a few cycles of deep breathing (Pranayama) for about 5 minutes. Now focus on your incoming and outgoing breath. As you sit in stillness you can observe the breath becoming feebler and feebler. A stage will come when the in breath and out breath dissolves into each other. This is a good level to be achieved. However there is no end to the depth you can achieve. Initially it would be even difficult to sit still for a few minutes. If we persist with, things will gradually work out in our favour. 20 minutes is a good time for regular practice for beginners. It could be increased later if necessary.
There are many factors that can help in the quality of our meditation. Yogasana, Pranayama, Satvic diet, Good friends, Right philosophy, and other spiritual practices can bring about the right changes in our physiology. These are complementary. The more you meditate, the more will the above qualities develop in you and the more it develops, the deeper will be your meditation. One cannot fully prepare before going to meditate. We should start straightaway with our meditation and its preparation. Everything works out complementarily.
Meditation is the most economic route to priceless wisdom and dexterity in action. This is the combination that makes one extremely successful in all his endeavors, physical, mental intellectual and spiritual.
In meditation we lose ourselves to discover our true self.