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Twelve members to constitute the group. Meeting on a full moon day every month. Sit in circle , for meetings. Start with 5 minutes pranayama, and 20 minutes "easy meditation". MORE

Give Global Integral Vision to Everyone Through Ayurveda.
Global Integral Vision to Everyone (GIVE). World is my country.(Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam).The world,can be integrated only by integrating individual minds. The world is one family (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam) is a reality long forgotten and neglected. In as much as the whole world is an integral whole, each unit is also an integral whole.MORE

Your mind can easily do it for you!!! It is simple.

Our mind is a super super computer. All it needs is to be fed with specific task. If we are vague about what we want to achieve then we cannot feed the mind effectively. We have to be absolutely specific.MORE

0=1, would you agree? No doubt you would not. Let us examine it. Zero is the contribution of India to the world. This must be the contribution of a Yogi. In an effort to express the transcendental state of consciousness he must have framed Zero. It means three things.

1. He realized that he has no end, no beginning, no birth, no death. The figure has no end no beginning.

2. Whatever is there, is inside and nothing outside it.

3. Whatever is there is in a state of oneness , i.e., there is no duality.MORE


Tom's Messages

1. We will win when we wisely wait.
2. For whom work is worship should be worshiped.
3. Stop loving the CREATOR Start loving the CREATION.
4. INQUIRY leads to Childlike innocence means Godlike intelligence.
5. Gratefulness leads to Greatness and gracefulness.
7. Attitude of GRATITUDE leads to PLENITUDE.
8. Once you are on the path, the path will carry you.
9. I LOVE myself, LOVE emanates from me, I am LOVE.
10. Goodness leads to Gracefulness and Greatness.
11. Belief systems are ludicrous, ridiculous and preposterous.
12. Knowledge boosts EGO, Wisdom blasts EGO.
13. When right is the attitude, bright is the one prospect.
14. A small timely act can have a big impact.
15. GRATITUDE leads to Blessings and beatitude.
16. Attachment to GOD is an impediment to enlightenment.
17. When our dreams are for others, we are great.
18. Mother Nature is the Picture, Scripture, and the Creature of GOD.
19. INQUIRY leads to Insight and Intuition.
20. This side is you. The other side also is you.
21. Religion relegates, Spirituality elevates.
22. We can purchase GOD, the price is our EGO.
23. Lamenting over losses means preventing gains.
24. Against bad is bad. For good is good.
25. The deserved is always reserved for us.
26. “Go for Gains and Greatness”.
27. Past haunts, Future daunts, Present counts.
28. He who dares to differ stands alone and stands above.
29. God is the Supreme delegator.
30. INQUIRY reduces EGO, Produces LOVE.
31. INQUIRY leads to alchemy of EGO.
33. INQUIRY is the source, course and force of LOVE.
34. To succeed in life what you need is not backpack of answers but the spear head of questions.
35. Do not carry the world on your head. See the Universe within.
36. Gratefulness gradually grows into Gracefulness.
37. To be beyond both means to be equally both.
38. Right life means different roles, one right philosophy.
39. To dream we need no qualifications and a great dream is a great qualification.
40. What is of the world is of the world.
41. STOP! Blaming, START, blooming.
42. To die for a dream means to live the dream.
43. Gratitude negates the need for the prayers.
44. To die totally means to live wholly.
45. A small act can have a big impact.
46. Belief is a blatant lie.
47. Knowledge is an accumulation. Wisdom is a Revelation.
48. Shed your belief, spread your wings, fly home.
49. Don’t follow the Guru, follow his teachings, a unique path will open.
50. We are slumber, we need to awaken. Every cell in us has to awaken.
51. Be in any religion but not the religion in you.
52. Ultimately one has to become his own GURU.
53. The ULTIMATE is also the most INTIMATE.
54. Theology and Psychology take us away from Reality.
55. To grow in GRATITUDE means to pet out I n prayers.
56. Every religion teaches us LOVE. No religion knows LOVE.
57. INQUIRY is the seed of LOVE.
58. Fear of death means fear of GOD.
59. Pain endured is gain ensured.
60. A True Leader as no complains but only complements.
61. INQUIRERS are never below or above any one.
62. Evil cannot be negated. Virtues can be cultivated.
63. When belief effects TRUTH surfaces.
64. The only scripture that we should read is ourselves.
65. No one by any means can either be ahead or behind.
66. Whatever reduces EGO also produces LOVE.
67. When we think we have, we will have even more.
68. A child learns the best, teaches the best.
69. Responsibility shouldered is ability discovered.
70. The past is useful, use it. The present is reality, enjoy it. The future is a possibility, create it.
71. TRUTH is Lucid and Luminous.
72. Man in Mind is better than GOD in Mind.
73. INQUIRE and make your future secure.
74. INQUIRY is the key to REALITY.
75. Devotion leads to Transformation and Liberation.
76. Humility is the best ability.
77. All that is in form proclaims the FORMLESS.
78. MAN is a TRINITY in UNITY.
79. Man can make himself Mighty and ALMIGHTY.
80. TRUTH is only when we are TRUTH.
81. GOD is only when we are GOD.
82. Humility leads to agility and ability.
83. Earth is about Enjoyment and Enlightenment.
84. CHANGE alone leads to the CHANGELESS.
85. Detachment is a departure from past and an adventure in to the future.
86. Egolessness means happiness and effectiveness.
87. Meditation leads to Enlightenment. Prayer leads to Enslavement.
88. Carrying yesterday is fatal.
89. Be a beginner every day.
90. Whatever we want waits WITHIN.
91. Waiting works wonders.
92. Wilful waiting works wonders.
93. Wisdom will win.
94. True communism is not a product of knowledge but wisdom.
95. True communism cannot be learned from books.
96. GOD is the prime examples of detached presence.
97. Believer is all prayer. Inquirer is all surrender.
98. I am the INQUIRER who opens the Third Eye.
99. Reading one good book ten times is better than reading a hundred books.
100. Right attitude negates the need for spiritual practices.
101. INQUIRERS are very high in Self Esteem
102. Learning leads to EGO. Unlearning leads to TRUTH.
103. That we are GOD is the ultimate TRUTH.
104. Listening takes you closer to GOD.
106. An INQUIRER is because he managed himself.
107. LOVE is the best to influence another.
108. Man has no escape other than being responsible.